Dale Street Methodist Church

Leamington Spa

A Prayer Page

hands1Prayer is at the centre of our worship.

Together we express our hopes for the world and for wisdom among our leaders.

We support our community of Leamington, praying for the homeless, for children, and for anyone in need.

We pray together for anyone known to us.

 The Prayer Book

The Prayer Book is found during the week in the community room. Anyone who wishes writes requests for prayer at our Sunday service. This includes visitors and members of any group using the church.

In times of disaster

When people are likely to be seriously affected by exceptional events locally, nationally or in the world, a prominently-displayed A-board will announce the opening of the church for prayer.

Thank-you Jesus     March 2024

We thank you for the revealing of your word
We thank you for the truth of your word
We thank you for the drama of your word
We thank you for the complexity of your word
We thank you for the plainness of your word
We rest in it
We learn from it
We go out from it
It is alive!
Thank you Jesus

Gail Bullivant