Dale Street Methodist Church

Loving God, living by faith, serving others, bringing hope

A Prayer Page

hands1Prayer is at the centre of our worship.

Together we express our hopes for the world and for wisdom among our leaders.

We support our community of Leamington, praying for the homeless, for children, and for anyone in need.

We pray together for anyone known to us.

 The Prayer Book

The Prayer Book is found during the week in the community room. Anyone who wishes writes requests for prayer at our Sunday service. This includes visitors and members of any group using the church.

The Prayer Group

There is a group at Dale Street who can help you by including you or your family or your concerns in their prayers.

The group uses Whatsapp.

You can submit a request to be sent to the prayer group here.

You can ask to join the Whatsapp group here.

In times of disaster

When people are likely to be seriously affected by exceptional events locally, nationally or in the world, a prominently-displayed A-board will announce the opening of the church for prayer.

January: A prayer for our church in the New Year

We pray for our future as we serve God and our neighbours.

Jan 25

 We pray for our neighbours who visit our church and who live all around us.


We pray that we do not take all things for granted;


that wisdom will guide us to understand the needs of others;


that we make God’s (and our) relevance known more widely.


Thus we pray that others may wish to join us and that Your church may move forward in this coming year;


that this will be fulfilled by the intervention of the Holy Spirit, which we continually seek.


Through Jesus, our Lord

