Dale Street Methodist Church

Loving God, living by faith, serving others, bringing hope

 Please tap on the buttons below for more information about events in the near future: 

Welcome to Dale Street! 

You can find on Facebook here.
You can find us on Instagram here.

Website: You’ll find everything you want to know about us here – though we’d prefer to welcome you face-to-face. The about us page describes the various activities we run. 
For reviews and photos visit the archive.

Ourselves: We’re people without a parish, so we come together from all over. We’re lively, busy and active in the community; we sing loudly and we’re a melting pot of ideas. Ours is a time of change and we want to extend our activities and try new things – we need more people to help us do so. 

Ministers: We’re lucky to have a talented team of ministers and local preachers committed to our future.
We have just welcomed our new minister, Reverend Tina Brooker.


(except Bank Holidays)

10:30 to 12 noon

Come and enjoy a hot or cold drink.

Join in a game of Scrabble or Dominoes
or just relax over a cuppa.

Babies and Toddlers

Thursdays in term time

10:00 to 11:30

Coming soon            full calendar


9:30 to 11:30

Fathers (or Grandfathers) can compare notes over a bacon butty and tea or coffee while the children play with an extensive range of toys.



Cubbington Methodist Church

First Saturday each month

10:30 to 11:45