Dale Street Methodist Church

Loving God, living by faith, serving others, bringing hope

Welcome to Dale Street!

You can find on Facebook here.
You can find us on Instagram here.

Website: You’ll find everything you want to know about us here – though we’d prefer to welcome you face-to-face. The about us page describes the various activities we run. 
For reviews and photos visit the archive.

Ourselves: We’re people without a parish, so we come together from all over. We’re lively, busy and active in the community; we sing loudly and we’re a melting pot of ideas. Ours is a time of change and we want to extend our activities and try new things – we need more people to help us do so. 

Ministers: We’re lucky to have a talented team of ministers and local preachers committed to our future.
We have just welcomed our new minister, Reverend Tina Brooker.


(except Bank Holidays)

10:30 to 12 noon

Come and enjoy a hot or cold drink.

Join in a game of Scrabble or Dominoes
or just relax over a cuppa.

Babies and Toddlers

Thursdays in term time

10:00 to 11:30

Coming soon            full calendar


9:30 to 11:30

Fathers (or Grandfathers) can compare notes over a bacon butty and tea or coffee while the children play with an extensive range of toys.

Please tap on the buttons below for more information about events in the near future:

Action for Children Cake Competition and Book Sale
14th and 15th September 2024

Action for Children September 2024Another enjoyable and successful event.
More details will appear here in due course but we can confirm that 
over £1100 was raised for Action for Children.

Thanks to everyone who supported the event.

Palm Sunday service 24th March 2024 

The two donkeys, Storm and Bertram, arrived in good time and were obviously thrilled by the occasion and the fuss – they led the procession with no sign of stubbornness and their only annoyance was having to get into their van to go back home.

Bertram and Storm 

The congregation was just short of 120. As it was a parade service, we welcomed some of our friends from other churches. We did a fair job recreating the very odd circumstances of the original Palm Sunday. We made some up-market palms (master-minded by Penny), sang an acclamation, heard about the tribulations of the donkey keeper and set off in a procession following the donkeys to the car park. There was, of course, a lot of shouting ‘Hosanna!’

We were reminded that the same crowd that had cheered Jesus on was to be the one that screamed for him to be crucified a few days later. We were also reminded that they asked the question ‘Who is this person?’ – we shall be trying to answer the question ‘Who is Jesus?’ in our services in May.


Palm Sunday took place in a party atmosphere, so we scoffed donuts when we had finished.

Here's some we made earlier

 We are pleased to announce that a good number of people enjoyed the

three performances of Bethlehem the Musical.

Over £450 was raised for local charities.

Thanks to all those who took part and
to all our guests who supported the show.

The  Friends of Homewood Christmas Quiz has closed and the entries we received have been studied. You can see the quiz answers and names of the winners here. 

The annual Friends of Homewood Christmas Fair was held at Dale Street on Saturday November 25, and we welcomed many visitors.

Over £1300 was raised and this will help to provide 'extras', such as outings and presents, for the residents at Homewood - our local Methodist Home. 


Action for Children Action for Children support group

              Our next event is on Saturday September 14 at 2pm

                  Creative cakes

You can bring your Home Made Cakes
for judging by 
Hollies Tea Room, Cubbington


Explore a variety of books which
will be on sale.

More information can be found here.

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Sixteen teams competed vigorously

 at our Big Quiz
on 15th March.
In a close finish,
Not our Forte"
emerged as winners.

Over £750 was raised.

Thanks to our Quizmaster, Richard
and to those who supported the event.

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Our Jigsaw Fair

                     was held on Friday 10th

and Saturday 11th November.

Over £1700 was raised

   for Action for Children.

Many thanks to everyone 

who supported the event.

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    Over 80 people enjoyed a concert by 

Harbury Folk Club and Orchestra

on Friday October 20.

More than £900 was raised for 

Action for Children.

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closed early in September

and the judges have made their choices.

Click here for more information.


You can look at the programme for our
Monday Evening House Group here.

The new season started on Monday September 18.

The Quilt of Hope - made by people from local churches - has been moved on from Dale Street.
However, you can still see the quilt here.