Dale Street Methodist Church

Loving God, living by faith, serving others, bringing hope

We love to welcome visitors !

Main entrance

Our services are at 10:30 am and last for about an hour. Our Communion is normally on the second Sunday and everyone’s welcome. If children are present, they are welcome at the rail for a blessing. We go to Communion down the side aisles and return via the centre.

Our services are led by different ministers and local preachers each week, and we enjoy a variety of styles of worship. Our own minister, Tina Brooker, leads the communion service.

 All services are clearly posted on the wall outside the church. We have a family service every month, and members of the uniformed organisations sometimes join us for a Parade service. Otherwise, children have their own session at 9:15 on most Sundays during term time.
We also have occasional café-style services.

Coffee is served before and after the 10:30 service.

Inside the church

The photo above shows the interior of the church during a Christingle session.

We’re a very busy church and hire out the premises for lots of events. You may visit us for a concert, a singing day, a dramatic production, the Friday market, a special service such as Christingle or the carol service. Our children and families officer arranges events for anyone to attend such as the lantern making afternoon or the Valentine’s meal. Our Action for Children group has a programme of events that are open to all – for example the Jigsaw day, which is held each year. Please look at the group's page for information about these events.

Whatever the reasons for your visit – and these include christenings, weddings and services of commemoration – you will always be welcome here.