Other organisations Outreach
Our organisation now consists of our Leadership Team and three groups:
- A mission group which supervises regular activities that reach out to anyone in the community.
- An Eco group, which invites speakers and works towards improving our bronze eco award.
- The Action for Children support group which is our chief charitable money raiser and regularly provides interesting community events.
The mission group has these regular activities:
Coffee drop-in: Mondays (except Bank Holidays) between 10:30 and 12
This is for anyone who wants to come in and join us. It’s free and an opportunity for anyone who wants to have an informal meeting to use our facilities.
Babies and toddlers: Thursdays between 10:00 and 11:30
Mostly mums bring their children to explore our collection of toys, to meet each other and drink a free cup of coffee.
Dads and tots: Saturday mornings between 9:30 and 11:30
A group of fathers (and grandfathers) of pre-school children bring them to Dale Street.
They can compare notes over a bacon and egg butty and tea or coffee while the children play with an extensive range of toys.
The Good news garden: Monday mornings between 10:30 and 12
Created in 2021 as a result of some creative thinking during lockdown, the garden comprises a number of vegetable and flower beds and there is also a meadow, a herb patch, and a seating area where you can drink your coffee and watch the traffic!
We welcome anyone who wants to do a bit of gardening – we have made a number of friends among the passers-by. We give away our produce.
The Action for Children support group: Various dates and times
We have run a wide range of events such as jigsaw fairs, Christmas concerts, a sixties dance, beetle drives with fish and chips, posh teas, auctions of promises, online quizzes, an entertainment about the weather, the production of our own calendar (using our own photos) and even a wine and cheese evening (not on church premises, of course).
For late summer and the rest of 2023 we have a photographic competition, another jigsaw fair, and a concert by our friends the Harbury Folk Band.