Dale Street Methodist Church

Loving God, living by faith, serving others, bringing hope.


Who We Are   Worship   Mission
Other organisations   Outreach

Our House groups help to increase faith, hands1further the general life of the church and provide Bible study.  Choose as you wish!

(most weeks).
2.30 – 4pm
(on Zoom). 

Bible study.

Contact: Joan Parks
(01926 425135)

7.30 – 9pm. 
(not in school holidays)

Bible study and other topics in a variety of formats - usually chosen by members.
New members would be welcome. For more information, click here.

Contact: June Gabbitas
(02476 302271)
or send an email.

Wednesday (fortnightly).
8 – 9.30pm. 


Leader: Russell Blackwell.  
Discipleship through study materials and the Bible with occasional take-away meals.

7.30 -9.15pm. 

Leader. Graham Howe.
Bible study.


Our services are at 10:30 am and last for about an hour. Our Communion is normally on the second Sunday and everyone’s welcome. If children are present, they are welcome at the rail for a blessing. We go to Communion down the side aisles and return via the centre.

Our services are led by different ministers and local preachers each week, and we enjoy a variety of styles of worship. Our own minister, Tina Brooker, leads the communion service.

 All services are clearly posted on the wall outside the church. We have a family service every month, and members of the uniformed organisations sometimes join us for a Parade service. Otherwise, children have their own service at 9:15 on most Sundays during term time.
Family and Parade services are café style.  Keep an eye on the calendar for more information about particular services.

Coffee is served before (if there is a Children's service at 9:15) and after the 10:30 service.